

Supermarket Sweep

Style Theory: Brighten up the weekly grind of food shopping by picking up a few winter treats for yourself. The supermarkets are a great place to buy a couple key seasonal items for your wardrobe without breaking the bank. Sorting through and spotting the ideal pieces is the hardest part so I have had a good scout around and have pulled out my favourite items....

Spotlight on Sainsburys

Here is my selection of key pieces that caught my eye...

Love this skirt - I would pair with a black poloneck, black opaque tights and a pair of black pointed shoes for a 60s look.
Leopard Print Kilt £20
This sweater ticks the check trend..
Red Check Jumper £20
Looks fab with a contrasting check Sainsburys scarf..
TU Scarf (in store)
Sainsburys Faux Leather Skirt £22 (In Store)
I tried this on (sorry didn't take a photo) but I was seriously impressed by it, it is full, amazing fabric (faux leather but hangs beautifully), the only reason why I didn't buy it was because it was quite long, so for any taller ladies out there this is one for you..

This bag looks good 'in the flesh' would be a good addition to any wardrobe, wear with all black to add a pop of colour or clash up with camel coat and navy sweater and jeans for a cool, chic look.
Sainburys Red Bag £20 (also in black)
Another key accessory for AW14 is a tartan scarf, I bought this one and love it, it is a cheaper version of last years Zara's hit scarf..
Sainsburys Check Scarf £12
On the schoolrun!
Spotlight on Asda
Starting with a couple of coats that caught my eye...
Teddy Coat £25
A fun, very reasonable coat a play on the pink faux fur, super cosy. Style simply like the Pinterest streetstyle photo below..

Add a muted colour scarf..
Check Scarf £8
Asda have some good basic jumpers that can be thrown over a pair of skinny jeans or leather leggings..
V Neck Tunic £16
Contrast Sleeve Tunic £16
Try styling like this...
Style the sweaters with these leather Biker boots..
Leather Boots £35
I really like the Graduate Fashion Week collection at Asda for some different looks..these two items are most certainly quirky but add a little (reasonable designer difference to your wardrobe)
Graduate Fashion Week Patterned Jumper £16
Graduate Fashion Week Dress £30
For a Christmas party this is a very reasonable, very sparkly dress. I tried it on in store, it is a shift shape and would look fab with a pair of black opaques and shoe boots.

All Over Sequin Dress £25
Throw a biker jacket over the top to toughen up the look..or wear with a longline grey cardigan to make it look cool and casual.

My round up of Tesco will follow in my next post (their website is not working today so will post when it is back up!)

Are you a supermarket shopper, do you find yourself adding in a few items of clothing in your food shop?
As always I would love to hear your thought and comments, until next time Frances x


  1. Some gorgeous finds Frances, I generally shop do a large online shop each month & then get the weekly items from a local supermarket that doesn't sell clothes, which is probably a very good job as I'd be far too tempted!!!
    Jane xx

    1. Thanks Jane, yep my local supermarket is clothes free which us probably quite lucky! X

  2. Aaargh, I just walked away from that Sainsbo's tartan scarf this morning. I was congratulating myself on being very disciplined, but now I've seen it on you I really regret not buying it! Have you seen the pale blue boucle coat? It's gorgeous, and for £45, it's a bit of a bargain!

    I swear by the Sainsburys basic vests for the Summer. For less than a fiver, they last for ages, and are a decent length, which is great if you're long in the body like me.

    Becky x

    1. I nearly walked away from it to but then went back for it! I didn't spot the blue boucle coat will have a look online! Thanks for the sainsburys basic vest top, I will definitely check them out always need them! X

  3. I really must do a proper visit of the supermarkets (although I did bag a pair of jeans the other day in Tesco when I called in for batteries - I'll do a show and tell on them). You have picked out some beauties and I bet if you hadn't mentioned they were from supermarkets no one would have guessed. Would have loved to have seen you in the faux leather skirt x

    1. Oooo can't wait to see your Tesco jeans! The supermarkets are surprisingly on trend, I did adore the faux leather skirt sadly it was too big!! Xx

  4. I need to get out more and away from M&S and Morrison's!
    Yep over 50 that counts for getting out more.

    1. Ha, yep me too a trip to the big sainsburys accounts for a day out for me too. Although must admit M&S is a 2 min walk from my house so laziness always takes me there! Xx

  5. What a great post - and what a great disappointment that we don't have Sainsburys or Asda here. Can't wait to see what you find in the Tesco haul .. because that store we do have!! x

  6. My local Sainsburys is small so only holds a tiny stock but these are fab pieces. I always pick up bargains in Asda too :) x

    1. Yep, definitely the best finds are the bigger stores they have such huge ranges...the down side is it takes ages to do the food shop! X

  7. Love that red check jumper, Frances. Really suits you! I do occasionally pick up the odd bargain in a supermarket but I never seem to get gorgeous pieces like these! Lynne x

    1. I am a fan of the check jumper too, I am not a great supermarket shopper think I must get better! Xx

  8. You have sold me the red check Sainsbury's sweater and although it's totally out of my comfort zone the leather look full skirt is gorgeous and I am totally tempted by that too!! I shall be doing a supermarket sweep this weekend xx

    1. They are my faves too Michelle, you could so wear the skirt you are tall and slim it would look amazing on you with a chambray shirt and black heels!! Xxxx

  9. I don't ever buy anything from the supermarket, always worried due to lack of clothes shops everyone will be dressed by our local Tesco! Love that Sainsbury's scarf Frances, I would buy that for sure x

    1. Ha, yep that is always a problem Sharron would definitely bump into a few people wearing the same! Although I must admit the faux leather skirt was lovely and could be so easily styled up to look super expensive...trying to track one down in my size then I will chop off the bottom! ✂️

  10. Some lovely finds, I'm very tempted to go and try the faux leather skirt!
    A x

  11. Great post. I often pick up little bits and pieces, at Sainsburys, because it can be lost in the food shop ;) x

  12. Fab round up Frances - I need to get myself to Asda asap - loving the quirky knit and the sequin dress! Ax

  13. Love your round up posts! The Red check jumper is amazing and I love the leopard print skirt!

  14. I do like to have a browse in Sainsbury. The red check jumper is great!

  15. I love having a look through the Supermarket clothes aisles - they have some little gems tucked away and I think you've picked out some lovelies there. I do wish Sainsburys would get their act together and start up the online side for the clothes like Tesco and Asda have done.

  16. I may have purchased a pint of milk and a dress before!!!!

  17. Love the sainsburys jumper! Some gorgeous pieces here, the supermarkets have really upped their game recently.
